There is a wonderful and right joke: "There are no healthy people, there are underexamined ones. "And if we talk about some aspects of health, such as infection with parasites, then this is no longer a joke, but the real truth. According to the WHO, today up to 1 billion people around the world are infected with parasites (for a minute, this is a seventh of the planet's population)! Only among the "classical" parasites - helminths - almost fifty species can live and thrive in the body of homo sapiens. And what about others: lice, single-celled lice (chlamydia, toxoplasma, lamblia), fungi (candida) and so on. . .
Not everyone is infected with parasites. Of course, among the population of third world countries or some island residents, literally every person suffers from parasitosis, but the higher the level of well-being and hygiene of a person, the less likely he is to get sick. However, at least once in our lives (and usually much more often) each of us has had to deal with parasites. Some are their constant guests to this day. . . There is only one conclusion: if there is a fact of infection, it is very important to cleanse the body of parasites.
Where do parasites come from?
They live in large quantities in the environment. We simply don't see it, since their eggs (if they are multicellular organisms) are usually small or microscopic in size. And it is not necessary to talk about parasitic microorganisms. For example, the parasitic fungus Candida is widely present in soil, natural waters, on the surface of fruits, vegetables, objects, and so on.

As a rule, a person acquires parasites when he does not wash his hands and what he is going to eat especially carefully or does not prepare food properly (meat, eggs and poultry are infected with parasites).
Don't underestimate your pets either. Their fur and body are also full of unwanted inhabitants (fleas, worms, toxoplasma), especially if the cat or dog was taken from the street or is sometimes found there.
In general, the man did not wash his hands, ate a raw cutlet, stroked the dog - and received not only pleasure, but also an unexpected "friend" who from now on will eat and live at his expense , and will also make him a walk a source of infection for healthy people.
Not a pleasant prospect, is it? And this brings us back to the need for cleanliness. At home you can practice cleansing the body with tar, various herbal teas, other herbal remedies, etc.
How to recognize the presence of parasites in the body?

Ideally, you should undergo all conceivable and inconceivable tests that will reveal the presence of "territory invaders" in your body. But be prepared for the fact that the doctor will not give you a referral for free tests. The fact is that the phrase "Doctor, I want to know if I have parasites" is not accepted by doctors, since insurance companies pay only for the diagnosis and treatment of real, not perceived problems. And one more disadvantage: in some cases the tests are normal, but there are parasites in the body. . .
In general, seeking medical help does not guarantee 100% success and will cost you a lot. So, if you suspect the presence of parasites, do the tests yourself, at least the two most important ones: feces for worm eggs and a smear for genital tract infections. These tests will identify those forms of parasitosis that require immediate treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
If the results are negative and you feel generally well, you are most likely healthy and do not need to cleanse your body of parasites. But if you have a number of symptoms that allow you to suspect an infection, you cannot do without cleaning.
The presence of parasites in the body is indicated by weight loss, abnormal bowel movements, weakness, an unclear deterioration of general health, changes in appetite and an unhealthy appearance. For children: pay attention! – their presence is often signaled by incomprehensible skin symptoms similar to psoriasis or by allergic reactions.
Methods of cleaning parasites
To get rid of parasites, you can practice cleaning methods. Medicines, herbs, birch tar - cleansing the body can be done by different means. Below are the ones available at home.
Body cleansing with mineral water
This harsh recipe was used several decades ago not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Using mineral water, a strict diet and sometimes laxatives, they "kicked out" tapeworms. The method proved to be mostly effective, but difficult because the patients received almost no food for up to 2 weeks.
Cleansing the body with tar
Tar is a good remedy against external parasites: lice, scabies mites. Any doctor will confirm this. Some unofficial sources add that you can dilute it with water and take it orally to expel worms from the intestine.
Alternative medicine sources claim that it is completely safe to take birch tar: the body is cleansed in a few days, and the product also shows other effects, including anti-tumor. However, it is worth noting that official medicine does not approve its oral administration. In addition, several years ago it was revealed that long-term treatment with tar does not cure tumors, but, on the contrary, increases the number of cases of skin and mucous membrane cancer.
Herbal teas for cleansing the body
There are a number of herbs that have a paralyzing effect on helminths and have a laxative effect. They are widely used in cleaning practices. For example, this is wormwood, pumpkin seeds, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, cloves, green walnuts, black walnuts and so on. From them, separately or mixed in different proportions, teas are prepared to cleanse the body, which are taken in a maximum cycle of one month.
Food preparations and supplements
Numerous food supplements based on antiparasitic plants have been created. They can also be used in cleaning.
How effective is parasite cleansing?
This article does not list all existing methods for ridding the body of parasites. There are recommendations for cleansing with coconut milk, garlic, spices, and hundreds of other different products. But, to be honest, they are ineffective.
In reality, even the recipes described above do not always guarantee a parasite-free life. The effect depends on the characteristics of the body, its susceptibility to certain drugs and the parasite itself (some, and even if they inhabit the body in large quantities, they are very difficult to eliminate). A huge role plays the state of immunity: the weaker it is, the more pleasantly and longer the "squatters" will use the resources of the owner's body.
To increase your chances of successful cleansing, it is important to first strengthen your immune system. Taking an immunomodulator based on unique protein molecules will help increase the body's defenses and prevent side effects of massive "cleansing". If you decide to resort to taking drugs (and this, whatever one may say, is the most effective option), the remedy will help reduce the consequences of their harmful effects on the liver and other organs.
And finally: Even when you get rid of parasites, don't relax. Immunity against them lasts a maximum of one year, or less. Then you will become vulnerable to them again. So lead a lifestyle that minimizes the possibility of infection and do not forget to regularly repeat the courses of an immunomodulator, which will make you more resistant not only to parasitosis, but to any disease in general.